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The president's gone Empty
PostSubject: YEA MAN   The president's gone EmptyMon Jan 21, 2013 1:29 pm

Before you ask.....

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Yea Man is Chris Webb.
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The president's gone Empty
PostSubject: Re: The president's gone   The president's gone EmptyMon Jan 21, 2013 1:38 pm

I always knew it lol!
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The president's gone Empty
PostSubject: Re: The president's gone   The president's gone EmptyMon Jan 21, 2013 1:51 pm

He can't be... he always seemed so nice! Shocked

Should we ban him Frank?

I'm one of the common people so says the wife!
(A true GSG Girl)

PepsiPete Forecasting League Champion 2016-17

He was behind me at Charlton!  [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Now an officially semi retired old fart! [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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The president's gone Empty
PostSubject: Re: The president's gone   The president's gone EmptyMon Jan 21, 2013 1:57 pm

Chris Webb is banned from ATD, so Yea Man is going to have to go.

Shame, I liked it when he played with the colours.
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The president's gone Empty
PostSubject: Re: The president's gone   The president's gone EmptyMon Jan 21, 2013 1:59 pm

Yea man is innocent!

Free the Cheltenham One!
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The president's gone Empty
PostSubject: Re: The president's gone   The president's gone EmptyMon Jan 21, 2013 2:02 pm

Christ, even Sir John Lloyd has got Newell and Posty tag teaming him pig
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The president's gone Empty
PostSubject: Re: The president's gone   The president's gone EmptyMon Jan 21, 2013 2:05 pm

At least JL is making a stand with a few others, shame on those that are prepared to take a step back from it!
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The president's gone Empty
PostSubject: Re: The president's gone   The president's gone EmptyMon Jan 21, 2013 2:16 pm

does anyone go to work anymore !!!!!! ??????
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The president's gone Empty
PostSubject: Re: The president's gone   The president's gone EmptyMon Jan 21, 2013 2:18 pm

I'm on the sick for a few weeks and bored bloody stiff!
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The president's gone Empty
PostSubject: Re: The president's gone   The president's gone EmptyMon Jan 21, 2013 2:37 pm

Well that backfired.
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The president's gone Empty
PostSubject: Re: The president's gone   The president's gone EmptyMon Jan 21, 2013 2:52 pm

They are totally incompetent, the mods on pasoti can't even get their own lies, distortions and diversions right, it's hilariously farcical! lol!

I cannot ever recall a time when a user has been so ferociously defended by the pasoti mods, you would have to be a complete tool to be taken in by that mob!
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The president's gone Empty
PostSubject: Re: The president's gone   The president's gone EmptyMon Jan 21, 2013 3:10 pm

JL has the tactics sussed and to think these self promoting control freaks must have got their tiny minds together to come up with this pathetic attempt to hide the truth.

John Lloyd.............. on what is clearly STILL Napoleon's Farm : pig ps Could Cerbs possibly get any further up Nool's arse ? And to think of how many ATD members were taken in by him Rolling Eyes

A predictable set of responses, seeking to divert attention from the topic in hand - the repeated use of multiple accounts on this site for various intents, some of which are not particularly praiseworthy.

What happens on ATD is not my responsibility. I don't have to answer for that.

What happens on this site is yours.

Address that and more people will have more confidence in the integrity of the site again.
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The president's gone Empty
PostSubject: Re: The president's gone   The president's gone EmptyMon Jan 21, 2013 3:17 pm

I think you're the only one being taken in by Cerbs, Tring, you bite every time. lol!

That said, Cerbs is coming over as a spoiled wanker and is using the ATD and pasoti thing as a tool to crank up his own campaign against you Tring, unfortunately Tring, you created a reason for a partnership between newell and Cerbs.

It's a pity, neither of you are helping the cause really, you're just dividing and weakening the opposition and doing Newell's job for him. Think about it!
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The president's gone Empty
PostSubject: Re: The president's gone   The president's gone EmptyMon Jan 21, 2013 3:19 pm

i knew it!!!!

the chair is too good for him for this deed.
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The president's gone Empty
PostSubject: Re: The president's gone   The president's gone EmptyMon Jan 21, 2013 3:21 pm

Nools stools are losin it bigtime on there.
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The president's gone Empty
PostSubject: Re: The president's gone   The president's gone EmptyMon Jan 21, 2013 3:23 pm

It's only time before there's a newell "use your real names" thread lol!
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The president's gone Empty
PostSubject: Re: The president's gone   The president's gone EmptyMon Jan 21, 2013 3:24 pm

GOB wrote:
I think you're the only one being taken in by Cerbs, Tring, you bite every time. lol!

That said, Cerbs is coming over as a spoiled wanker and is using the ATD and pasoti thing as a tool to crank up his own campaign against you Tring, unfortunately Tring, you created a reason for a partnership between newell and Cerbs.

It's a pity, neither of you are helping the cause really, you're just dividing and weakening the opposition and doing Newell's job for him. Think about it!

That's a strange take on things Gob.

The way you've just described it, everything Cerbs does or says with reference to ATD is to fuel his campaign against Tring? Really?

Well if that's the case, Cerbs really is more than just a bit nuts.
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The president's gone Empty
PostSubject: Re: The president's gone   The president's gone EmptyMon Jan 21, 2013 3:26 pm

Czarcasm wrote:
GOB wrote:
I think you're the only one being taken in by Cerbs, Tring, you bite every time. lol!

That said, Cerbs is coming over as a spoiled wanker and is using the ATD and pasoti thing as a tool to crank up his own campaign against you Tring, unfortunately Tring, you created a reason for a partnership between newell and Cerbs.

It's a pity, neither of you are helping the cause really, you're just dividing and weakening the opposition and doing Newell's job for him. Think about it!

That's a strange take on things Gob.

The way you've just described it, everything Cerbs does or says with reference to ATD is to fuel his campaign against Tring? Really?

Well if that's the case, Cerbs really is more than just a bit nuts.

I think an awful lot of it is but if you're going to describe Cerbs as being a bit nuts then you have to describe Tring as being the same. I may happen to agree with you on that one mind lol!
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The president's gone Empty
PostSubject: Re: The president's gone   The president's gone EmptyMon Jan 21, 2013 3:51 pm

Czarcasm wrote:
GOB wrote:
I think you're the only one being taken in by Cerbs, Tring, you bite every time. lol!

That said, Cerbs is coming over as a spoiled wanker and is using the ATD and pasoti thing as a tool to crank up his own campaign against you Tring, unfortunately Tring, you created a reason for a partnership between newell and Cerbs.

It's a pity, neither of you are helping the cause really, you're just dividing and weakening the opposition and doing Newell's job for him. Think about it!

That's a strange take on things Gob.

The way you've just described it, everything Cerbs does or says with reference to ATD is to fuel his campaign against Tring? Really?

Well if that's the case, Cerbs really is more than just a bit nuts.

Cerbs is an ambitious control freak like the rest of them desperately trying to make light of all the lies and bullying which has become embedded in Pasoti tradition. THe only difference is that a lot of other people can now see these people for what they are. Cerbs saw ATD as an avenue through which to promote himself. He showed the mods snapshots of himself with the Windsor Boys and was less than complimentary about them............ and Jameson. He offered to be our mole and told us that ATD was where it's at as far as he was concerned ! I didn't want anything to do with that sort of devious behaviour. Things went downhill from there but others in the modroom still supported him. This forum had a very narrow escape.
There is no doubt in my mind that he would now be seen regularly on GOS as the ATD leader, grinning alongside the Windsor Boys and grovelling to Brent. Myself and Rickler would be history on here. Others would be warned off from making comments about the Pasoti Politburo. Cerbs knew full well that was what Nool has always wanted............. and probably worse.
The way he now sucks up to Nool and the gang should be all the proof any fool needs of his ambition............ at any cost.
As for GOB, I think he lost the plot long ago. Symons is pursuing recognition elsewhere and Peggy has flounced yet again.

Now John Petrie is standing up to the bullies.

The spat between this site and ATD doesn't interest me that much, and, when I have commented on it, it has often been to condemn the abusive nature of some of the stuff directed at Ian and others, but anyway that's just the distraction.

I am concerned about the behaviour of people who sit in our directors box and represent our club, and the way in which they have acted towards other fans and supporters groups. Good work in the past, and even the present, does not give carte blanche to act in anyway you so please.

I am also concerned about the part which certain mods, former and present, on this site have played in it, and the way in which they continue to try and deflect attention with 'witty banter', references to another site and slights on the character of those asking questions.

I have sympathy for those mods not involved and for their attempts to clean up the mess, they will inevitably be tarred with the same brush and take flak for something not of their doing.

I would also add that I have no agenda to harm this site, and really don't believe that anything said on ATD has the power to do so. It is only things that have taken place on here that damage it. This thread wouldn't even exist were it not for the defensive responses of somebody that has done so much, both good and bad, for this website.

Simple answer Pasoti.......... If you don't want intelligent, honourable people complaining , don't protect blatant deceit and bullying.
The reason ATD exists is because of all the lies and bullying by Nool and his gang of manipulating control freaks.
Remove them and those behaviours and we can unite.
ps It won't happen because the bad guys probably own the farm. Pasoti is doomed.
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The president's gone Empty
PostSubject: Re: The president's gone   The president's gone EmptyMon Jan 21, 2013 4:09 pm

As per the usual Tring, lots of crap and little evidence.
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The president's gone Empty
PostSubject: Re: The president's gone   The president's gone EmptyMon Jan 21, 2013 4:19 pm

GOB wrote:
As per the usual Tring, lots of crap and little evidence.

The evidence of what I was claiming is still all there GOB.

One day, the Admin of ATD might allow it to be shown ,so that people can draw their own conclusions and hopefully put an end to this nonsense.

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The president's gone Empty
PostSubject: Re: The president's gone   The president's gone EmptyMon Jan 21, 2013 4:22 pm

Remind then Tring, apart from Cerbs showing you a photo of him with Newell which was perfectly legal, what was that evidence? Convince me.
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The president's gone Empty
PostSubject: Re: The president's gone   The president's gone EmptyMon Jan 21, 2013 5:03 pm

These pasoti mods, or whatever they are these days, are quite plainly morons - pure and simple morons.

I'm not normally one to call people names, but their behaviour is infantile, and well....moronic.

How anyone can believe that site has an ounce of credibility is beyond me.

I feel quite tacky as I used to post on it.
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The president's gone Empty
PostSubject: Re: The president's gone   The president's gone EmptyMon Jan 21, 2013 5:25 pm

Low cunning, inspired by the need to 'be someone'.
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The president's gone Empty
PostSubject: Re: The president's gone   The president's gone EmptyMon Jan 21, 2013 5:28 pm

Tringreen wrote:
Low cunning, inspired by the need to 'be someone'.

I see. lol!

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The president's gone Empty
PostSubject: Re: The president's gone   The president's gone Empty

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