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 Ever score a goal like this when you were a kid?

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Chemical Ali

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Ever score a goal like this when you were a kid? Empty
PostSubject: Ever score a goal like this when you were a kid?   Ever score a goal like this when you were a kid? EmptyMon May 19, 2014 3:55 pm

The old stop the ball on the line and head it in whilst on the floor move. Scored by Paul-Georges Ntep in a recent French game (its repeated about 10 times during the clip)

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Ever score a goal like this when you were a kid? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ever score a goal like this when you were a kid?   Ever score a goal like this when you were a kid? EmptyMon May 19, 2014 5:17 pm

Somebody did it years ago because they had never scored a header. Every time that we've had an open goal at our disposal this season we've managed to miss it though, you wouldn't want to see Fallon attempt it that's for sure.
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Ever score a goal like this when you were a kid? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ever score a goal like this when you were a kid?   Ever score a goal like this when you were a kid? EmptyMon May 19, 2014 6:38 pm

I score one very similar to that,only i put it in with my one eyed trouser snake.

Nah,i didn't really,just wishful thinking.
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Wotton's Ashtray

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Join date : 2014-05-28

Ever score a goal like this when you were a kid? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ever score a goal like this when you were a kid?   Ever score a goal like this when you were a kid? EmptyWed May 28, 2014 4:04 pm

only in the school playground
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Ever score a goal like this when you were a kid? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ever score a goal like this when you were a kid?   Ever score a goal like this when you were a kid? EmptyWed May 28, 2014 4:18 pm

It was a shite showoff goal that only tossers ever scored.

The amount of times my offside protests in the playground were ignored in place of that was a disgrace!
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Ever score a goal like this when you were a kid? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ever score a goal like this when you were a kid?   Ever score a goal like this when you were a kid? Empty

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Ever score a goal like this when you were a kid?
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