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 Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts

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Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts Empty
PostSubject: Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts   Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 10:16 am

Seen some tweets on that twitter box this morning from them saying they've been hacked and that some "freak" is posting spam messages.

Now i'm no expert but maybe they've actually just clicked on a link/virus and that is now why spam messages are flooding their twatter accounts, twitter is full of them!

So instead of jumping to conclusions and blaming the "freaks on ATD" maybe look at yourselves and be careful what you click on lol!

Although if any member of ATD did do it to their accounts then lol! lol! lol!
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Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts   Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 10:36 am

What goes around comes around lol!
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Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts   Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 10:41 am

They are making themselves look very stupid. A pair of keyboard warriors.
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Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts   Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 10:43 am

Yea Man wrote:
Seen some tweets on that twitter box this morning from them saying they've been hacked and that some "freak" is posting spam messages.

Now i'm no expert but maybe they've actually just clicked on a link/virus and that is now why spam messages are flooding their twatter accounts, twitter is full of them!

So instead of jumping to conclusions and blaming the "freaks on ATD" maybe look at yourselves and be careful what you click on lol!

Although if any member of ATD did do it to their accounts then lol! lol! lol!

They make me sick, are they grown men or children at play time.

The union is to unite the worker not divide them
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Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts   Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 10:52 am

One trick ponies can't help themselves, the guy has an ATD obsession.
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Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts   Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 11:00 am

GOB wrote:
One trick ponies can't help themselves, the guy has an ATD obsession.
And you lot don't have an obsession with them then????
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Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts   Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 11:08 am

Brett Reed wrote:
GOB wrote:
One trick ponies can't help themselves, the guy has an ATD obsession.
And you lot don't have an obsession with them then????

Are we/I denying it?
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Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts   Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 11:56 am

I still don't get what's being alleged if anyone could fill me in please. If Newell is saying his twatter account has been hacked and he's getting tweets? that refer to weightloss, could it be a friend of his trying to drop a hint in a kind way? And if Chris Webb has been threatened, I'm sure I read someone threatened to stab him, then surely he reports it to the Police, they get the e-mail details of the sender and the IP address? Isn't that what just happened with Stan Collymore who was getting racially abused and there has been an arrest by the Police?

A bit of banter, fine, but if he's been threatened in such a way, then anyone in their right mind would report it. If he hasn't then it all seems a bit too convenient to be bandying around the stories, with mention of ATD from Newell.

Can someone explain please?
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Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts   Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 12:07 pm

greenjock wrote:
I still don't get what's being alleged if anyone could fill me in please. If Newell is saying his twatter account has been hacked and he's getting tweets? that refer to weightloss, could it be a friend of his trying to drop a hint in a kind way? And if Chris Webb has been threatened, I'm sure I read someone threatened to stab him, then surely he reports it to the Police, they get the e-mail details of the sender and the IP address? Isn't that what just happened with Stan Collymore who was getting racially abused and there has been an arrest by the Police?

A bit of banter, fine, but if he's been threatened in such a way, then anyone in their right mind would report it. If he hasn't then it all seems a bit too convenient to be bandying around the stories, with mention of ATD from Newell.

Can someone explain please?

If you can't 'win' an argument or browbeat others into submission, some people just have to try to seize the moral high ground and basically, cheat, lie and attempt to discredit.

Ideal fans reps, I don't think. Rolling Eyes
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Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts   Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 12:13 pm

I don't believe a word that leaves Newell's or Webb's mouth, does anyone?
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Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts   Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 12:20 pm

If someone has threatened to stab Chris then he needs to report it.
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Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts   Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 12:24 pm

Exactly Frank, there's only one reason that I can think of why he hasn't!
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Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts   Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 12:26 pm

GOB wrote:
Exactly Frank, there's only one reason that I can think of why he hasn't!

He can't be bothered?
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Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts   Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 12:28 pm

funny man wrote:
GOB wrote:
Exactly Frank, there's only one reason that I can think of why he hasn't!

He can't be bothered?

Bigger fool him if that's the case!

One of the problems with being a drama queen and using the "cry wolf" scenario too many times is that when something really does happen, nobody believes it!
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Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts   Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 12:51 pm

Brett Reed wrote:
GOB wrote:
One trick ponies can't help themselves, the guy has an ATD obsession.
And you lot don't have an obsession with them then????

It's a bit like a conversation that gets stopped and started again and again, they then wipe out anything on their side that makes them look like the confrontational idiots that they are (cleaning up a thread is the parlance used) and quote something that we have said or twist things to make it look like we have personally threatened them with violence. They also think that they have a right to chuck insult and injury around but when some comes back we get the cowardice tag. It is all quite pathetic (on both sides) but there you go, this is what the internet was invented for. Laughing
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Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts   Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 12:54 pm

Posted this on the wrong thread.


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Subject: Re: Beware Today at 12:35 pm


The Spooner wrote:
How on earth is that an 'attack' you drama queen.

I had a chat with him at the fans fest today and I know that both he and Lee (don't know his last name) had threats of being stabbed and killed by idiots on twitter this week, he showed them to me, so they were real.



So Chris showed you threats of being stabbed? I'm sure it's already been reported to the Police then, and when the culprit is found, Chris won't mind posting on Pasoti how it wasn't anyone connected with ATD, because that is obviously someone with far more of a grudge against Chris and Lee? than a disgruntled ex Pasoti member who has been banned. But as I said originally on the subject, it serves a purpose for Chris to hang it in the air on Pasoti to give the impression that it has come from someone on here. The whole post has already been linked on this thread, and the threats part come just after the touching story of the guy who actually cried when the beautiful FV 1886 flag was unfurled.

The Spooner saw the threats so that can't be disputed! And here is a snippet of Noolypoodles twatter:

Mentioning ATD being responsible, and also really interesting to see how friendly Dane B is with Noolypoodle, so I think we can all take it as red that Dane B is the biggest two faced shit stirrer on ATD, and his allegations of wrongdoing by Ian Newell to me in a private message were another attempt by the total wankers that they both are, to cause more trouble on here. As was the private message from Ian Newell to me naming the person who invited Wrathall to Home Park and calling him a c**t, hoping I would post it on here, as the person he named is a Facebook friend of Ian Newell.

But of course we will have Greengenes, The Spooner, Dane B etc. coming on here moaning about how this site abuses Chris Webb or Ian Newell or Pasoti for no reason! Absolute bunch of tossers playing silly little games who complain about the same thing happening to them all the time.

I honestly never knew how much crap went on behind the scenes of supporting a football club, and how much politics is involved when people want to make personal gain or destroy something that questions, correctly, people motives and decisions that are being made that affect the football team you support.

Paranoid? Yeah just ask Dane B or Bunneydane1981 what he messaged me about Ian Newell recently. Don't think the two faced little tw@t will be willing to share it again.

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Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts   Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 1:03 pm

Jock, give the Argyle fans Internet users some credit, we could all see and we all knew what was going on and what is going on, we all know what these characters are all about and we've all made logical conclusions to their actions.

We're all aware of Dane's exploits as well as Newell's GG's, Webb etc. Even the most loyal fans of those involved are seeing what's going on, I had an email from one a few days ago confirming it and saying how daft those involved are looking, let them get on with it because every time they do it ATD grows and they belittle themselves and look simple. lol!
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Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts   Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 1:10 pm

GOB wrote:
Jock, give the Argyle fans Internet users some credit, we could all see and we all knew what was going on and what is going on, we all know what these characters are all about and we've all made logical conclusions to their actions.

We're all aware of Dane's exploits as well as Newell's GG's, Webb etc. Even the most loyal fans of those involved are seeing what's going on, I had an email from one a few days ago confirming it and saying how daft those involved are looking, let them get on with it because every time they do it ATD grows and they belittle themselves and look simple. lol!

Yeah I should have known. Dane B was my best buddy sending me lots of PM's telling me to do this and do that and telling me an awful secret about Ian Newell doing something extremely illegal, hoping I would post it I guess.

And Dane, just to let you know, calling people spastics is one vile thing to say, and from someone who had a "spastic" brother who died aged 16, go feck yourself and your mentor Newell.

ArgyledazDarren Desmond

Some odd people around, 3 points, more money raised, #fanengagement, yet people still try to have a go at good people. #weird

15 hours ago

in reply to ↑

@Bunneydane1981Dane Bunney

@Argyledaz those people are called spastics
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Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts   Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 1:14 pm

If you knew of his past you wouldn't have taken the plonker seriously Jock, not many do. I remember laughing when he sent me a pm telling me that the shirts Newell is selling were not legit and that he was signing them himself! lol!

Think of him as a muppet that is here to entertain us and you'll be fine lol!
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Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts   Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 1:14 pm

I'm in neither camp. Ian is fully aware of the pm I sent last week as we were talking about it at the game yesterday. He has since got me back with a wind up of his own. I just do t see why anyone has to declare what side of the fence they sit. Im just trying to get on with everyone.
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Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts   Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 1:15 pm

Bought any signed shirts from Newell, Dane? lol!
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Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts   Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 1:18 pm

Can't afford them mr gob. Would have liked that united champions league ball tho.
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Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts   Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 1:20 pm

So, if either Nool (as in tool) or Webb (as in pleb) were accused on an open internet forum of hacking into anyone on here's Twatter or Arsebook account and posting malicious or threatening comments - how long do you think it would be before Frank received either a phone call or email threatening legal action for defamation of character or libel?

Honestly, if anyone can prove they have been threatened with violence or a knife attack, then they should be on the phone to the police, pronto.

Drama Queens, the pair of them.
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Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts   Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 1:25 pm

Nice to know you care so much to read my twitter account. I hope the banning procedure I read about is fair across the board cause your borderline abusing me now. What I say on twitter is nothing to do with you.
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Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts   Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 1:26 pm

I'd lay serious odds that nobody's 'hacked' those Twatter accounts. From the bit I saw on the pBay feed, they were being spammed. Happens all the time, or so I'm led to believe.
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Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts   Newell and Chris Webb's twatter accounts Empty

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