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 The President.

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Charlie Wood
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The President. Empty
PostSubject: The President.   The President. EmptyTue Jan 01, 2013 8:57 pm

Post subject: Thank you and the futurePosted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:25 pm

Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:41 pm In amongst everything today the most loyal of all our employees at the Club has lost his job. Some people will make claims based on no facts about why Carl Fletcher stuck with us or tell us that he wouldn’t have made the same money anywhere else but the realities are very different.

A guy who stood at St James Park having City fans waving money in his face as they basically relegated us.

A guy who turned down more than one championship Club that summer to stay with us.

A guy that led the dressing room in waiving wages to keep this alive. Sometimes rows were had and he stood up and demanded that the future of our Club was put before any personal interests.

A guy that led the threatened players strike and pushed back against Guilfoyle. I remember as clear as day the tears in Carl Fletchers eyes when I addressed the media that day and told him and Romain how much their loyalty meant to the fans.

A guy that took over as manager and selflessly ended his own playing career when we were 9 points adrift of safety. He led a great escape.

In the end, despite all the efforts it would simply not come together. He gave his best but the results came up short.

I would simply like to say thank you to Carl Fletcher because when we needed him, he was there and I am sure we would all say that he was one of THE true heroes that led the survival of Argyle. Good luck and best wishes to Carl and his family.

Now we have a new dawn.

I understand the frustrations of the Green Army because I feel it too. It has been like groundhog day recently. One thing is absolutely 100% for sure though – James Brent is exactly the right person to lead this great Club.

He gave Carl Fletcher every chance to make a success of it and longed him to do so. When it became clear that wasn’t going to happen he has taken action. I laugh at the internet posts claiming he has no balls. I’ve seen the guy in action crushing Guilfoyle, putting Ridsdale in his place an dealing with the banks. He has more balls that anyone who has ever been involved in our Club.

Those claiming a lack of transparency ask yourself when we last had a Chairman that went to a meeting of one man and his dog (slight exaggeration) in Bristol on an evening when he could be with his family. James Brent has faced up to the fans and the media more in one year that the M7 did in their whole time at the Club.

There have been a few accusations that he is only in it for the property. Nothing could be further from the truth. The man is pumping his families money into our Club to cover shortfalls, looks more miserable than any of us after a loss and spends more time on Argyle than the rest of Akkeron group put together.

He is also working away in the background ready to present plans to the Council and fans on the Home Park redevelopment. Not speaking about it, no fancy drawings, no bullshit – action.

This change has to be seen as a massive opportunity. A chance to unite the fans, a chance to find the right man to lead us to success and a chance to build a legacy for Plymouth Argyle Football Club.

Off the pitch, I know the board are working hard to fill the CEO void and I am sure there will be news on that soon. Bit by bit the Club jigsaw is coming together.

It seems that in some ways we have stalled for a year on and off the pitch. The key now though is not dwelling on that it is grabbing the bull by the horns and dragging this Football Club back on its feet.

I feel hope again amongst the massed ranks of the Green Army.

This appointment is surely the biggest in the history of Argyle. Together we can and will unite this Club.

Let’s do ‘Proud at Port Vale’.


What a pile of crap

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Mock Cuncher

Mock Cuncher

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The President. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The President.   The President. EmptyTue Jan 01, 2013 8:59 pm


Just when you get happy about something at Argyle, Webb sticks his multi account peddling oar in to make you feel down again.
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The President. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The President.   The President. EmptyTue Jan 01, 2013 9:03 pm

Webb should be following the useless one out the door
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The President. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The President.   The President. EmptyTue Jan 01, 2013 9:06 pm

Good on Gareth Nicholson with his own missive. I said it before but I don't think I'm The Presidents constituency. The thing is the number of people who are seems to be dwindling with every new onward and upwards unleash your inner dog call to arms. The goldfish appear to be evolving a collective memory and with each swim round the bowl are remembering we have been here before and getting bored of it all.

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The President. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The President.   The President. EmptyTue Jan 01, 2013 9:07 pm

And another thing 7000ish people are putting their family's money into the club. And they don't get a car park added to their pension pot.
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The President. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The President.   The President. EmptyTue Jan 01, 2013 9:09 pm

punchdrunk wrote:
Webb should be following the useless one out the door

Here here. For me, today was the first time Brent's Argyle have come good. However, one right decision does not yet counter the poor decisions to a) appoint Fletcher as anything other than a (pretty decent) central midfielder, b) neuter the well-organised supporters' groups by appeasing the easily pleased 'unleashers of dogs' or c) reducing the official website to a vehicle of one-sided bombast.
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The President. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The President.   The President. EmptyTue Jan 01, 2013 9:10 pm

Just another pathetic Webby 'rally around the flag' call out to the Pasoti Sheeple...
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Han Solos Other Ship

Han Solos Other Ship

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The President. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The President.   The President. EmptyTue Jan 01, 2013 9:12 pm

Fuck me.
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The President. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The President.   The President. EmptyTue Jan 01, 2013 9:14 pm

Any similar eulogies for the other PAFC Staff currently facing redundancy?

I don't hold an personal animosity against Fletcher. I'm sure he was 'working his socks off' and really did want to succeed. The unfortunate truth is that he wasn't good enough. That has been evident for most of this season and he really should have been put out of his misery much earlier.

The real worry is whether Brent/ PAFC are going to continue to make f**kwitted decisions regarding the football club. On top of the management issue we've had the ridiculous flim-flamming over the DoF role. It now appears that we aren't looking for a DoF anymore; another change of heart! Given this dire record on decisions regarding the football club, the decision as to who gets the managers job now is crucial. We are in too precarious a position, both in footballing and financial terms, for us to fvck this decision up.

The assurances of 'Mr President' as to Brent's intentions or abilities aren't worth a jot to me. The proof of whether Brent is up to running this football club will rest on the quality of this next appointment.
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The President. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The President.   The President. EmptyTue Jan 01, 2013 9:16 pm

Just when I actually get a little bit excited and consider going back to home park I read something like this and I once again realise why I feel so distant from my club

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The President. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The President.   The President. EmptyTue Jan 01, 2013 9:20 pm

Not a feckin mention of the real people that lost money - staff who have had credit scores revised downwards, staff who have lost their jobs, suppliers who have gone bust and who have had to lay off people. What a load of old tosh. Webb is safely in the big house, sipping port and playing billiards.

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The President. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The President.   The President. EmptyTue Jan 01, 2013 9:20 pm

Feck off Webb you bore.

Hopefully Brent will remove you as president and install a REAL deserving man in the role.

If Larrieu loses his coaching job he should be made president.

Webb out, Larrieu in.
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The President. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The President.   The President. EmptyTue Jan 01, 2013 9:21 pm

To raise a few questions on the above 'Call to Arms'.

Why has it taken over a year to appoint a CEO? IMHO if this position had been given the priority it deserved the club would not be in the sorry situation it is now.

When are the plans for Home Park development being presented. I had been told by a councillor that the date was 14th December.

On the matter of transparency, honesty, integrity etc we were promised, why does Mr Brent not answer the questions put to him by the AFT.

And was our President actually present at negotiations between Mr Brent and Lombard?

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The President. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The President.   The President. EmptyTue Jan 01, 2013 9:41 pm

He is the master of patronising drivel. Fletcher the "most loyal of all our club employees"? A man well paid, who was guaranteed to get his money back.

When I think back to people I've known who worked for the club, gave up their free time in all weathers and without a hint of praise, he's got the bloody nerve to write that. Usually his stuff just annoys, but that's made me angry.
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The President. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The President.   The President. EmptyTue Jan 01, 2013 9:47 pm

I find Webb so nauseatingly insincere that the mere mention of his name induces bouts of self harm while my face becomes so contorted it resembles a leper sucking on a decayed sour lemon.
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The President. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The President.   The President. EmptyTue Jan 01, 2013 9:47 pm

Webb out Larrieu in
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Charlie Wood

Charlie Wood

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The President. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The President.   The President. EmptyTue Jan 01, 2013 9:48 pm

He's just a thick janner oik with an inflated opinion of his own importance. The sooner he is removed from what's always been an honourary position and somebody deserving of the title given the honour so much the better.

Patronising drivel is being kind.
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The President. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The President.   The President. EmptyTue Jan 01, 2013 11:40 pm

Charlie Wood wrote:
He's just a thick janner oik with an inflated opinion of his own importance. The sooner he is removed from what's always been an honourary position and somebody deserving of the title given the honour so much the better.

Patronising drivel is being kind.

Absolutely. The guy has always been a liability but this latest garbage tops his previous nonsense by some way.
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The President. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The President.   The President. EmptyTue Jan 01, 2013 11:51 pm

Southampton today appointed a true club legend Terry Paine as their honorary President, a man who played for his country, was in the 1966 World Cup squad and who made over 800 appearances for his home town club. No doubt he will slip quietly into the background, act in a dignified manner and won't be pontificating on every subject that enters his mind. We appoint this clown. Janner to the end.
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The President. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The President.   The President. EmptyWed Jan 02, 2013 1:07 am

It's like tony parsons.

Today I wept tears of sadness, tears of hope. Tears because Ian continues to pester me on thwarted. I did not ask to become president , it was bestowed upon me. James said said unto me what honour can I give this man that helped quelle the masses that doesn't involve me having to pay him anything. Thus I was made president, that we already have a president on Sam Rendell is of no consequence. The working class can kiss my ass".

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The President. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The President.   The President. EmptyWed Jan 02, 2013 7:46 am

Pass me the feckin sick bag Sleep

What a crock of shit from the biggest crock of shit merchant I've ever known.

Funny how he wasn't so feckin vocal until Fletcher got the boot with a nice little payout thankyou very much, after years of being much more highly paid than any of us could ever imagine, and that after being paid astronomical amounts of money in the Premier League.

Tears for a man who would never have to work again if he didn't want to, yet feck all about the redundancies where ordinary folk on ordinary wages face an uncertain future?

United the dressing room! What against Peter Reid you mean? Took on the managers job agaisnt his will did he? Selflessly ended his own playing career? He was way past his best and was just an ordinary League 2 player when he put his feet up.

Chris Webb the champagne socialist speaking up for the rich guys once again. Well Chris don't despair for Carl Fletcher, he'll be ok. With his eloquent manner and sense of humour he's bound to have Sky knocking on his door to be a summariser alongside Phil Thompson, Charlie Nicholas and Paul Merson.


"Who to Carl"

"Erm you know"

"Ok it's over to Pete Barraclough at Home Park for the details"
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The President. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The President.   The President. EmptyWed Jan 02, 2013 8:10 am

Webb has been an unmitigated disaster as club President. He is so far up Brent's ass its a joke. I hope he steps down at the end of the season to concentrate on other projects.
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The President. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The President.   The President. EmptyWed Jan 02, 2013 8:52 am

If Brent is as awesome as the President claims, why was he interviewing Peter Taylor for the DoF job on Thursday? Did he tell him that Fletcher was only 2 games away from the sack? What would have happened if Fletcher and Taylor had bonded and PT was appointed, only for Fletch to get the boot a few days later? Would PT have taken over the managers position or would the roles have been reversed and he would be the one doing the interviewing for a new manager he could work with?

Does Brent know that the transfer window opens on 1st January? Why wait until now to sack Fletcher? Our new manager is not going to have time to assess the squad and bring players in before the window closes again. Fearless and decisive Brent.

Its just lies.
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The President. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The President.   The President. EmptyWed Jan 02, 2013 8:53 am

What a load of drivel.

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The President. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The President.   The President. EmptyWed Jan 02, 2013 8:55 am

Frank Bullitt wrote:
If Brent is as awesome as the President claims, why was he interviewing Peter Taylor for the DoF job on Thursday? Did he tell him that Fletcher was only 2 games away from the sack? What would have happened if Fletcher and Taylor had bonded and PT was appointed, only for Fletch to get the boot a few days later? Would PT have taken over the managers position or would the roles have been reversed and he would be the one doing the interviewing for a new manager he could work with?

Does Brent know that the transfer window opens on 1st January? Why wait until now to sack Fletcher? Our new manager is not going to have time to assess the squad and bring players in before the window closes again. Fearless and decisive Brent.

Its just lies.

That'll save some more money then.
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The President. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The President.   The President. Empty

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