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 Mr President

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Mr President Empty
PostSubject: Mr President   Mr President EmptySun Jun 16, 2013 4:11 pm

Who doesn't read ATD and has taken a step back from the internet blah, blah, blah even though he used to text me straight away if there was something he didn't agree with on here, used to ask me to put people right, so we all know you read this place avidly Chris.

Well all is not rosy in the garden amongst the plebs it seems, with some even daring to criticise Christ Webb on Pasoti.

Great insight here by Jasa88 about Mr President and how he uses a twatter trick to make himself seem more popular than he actually is;

Maybe Buck could have worded this better without sounding like he was having a dig but I totally agree with the overall point being made.

The hours of work that went in, I will never know, nor will I believe ever be able to replicate. I do not have the knowledge or the skills to have been able to do any of the hours.

The frustration is the constant reminders of what was done by himself. If this was by somebody else bringing up what had happened, then it would get remembered with *happy* memories. There are lots of staff at the club who do not keep updating us with the unpaid work they did whilst working in the ticket office or the shop during the administration period. Yes they will be owed the money and gradually get it back but they performed their tasks to a high level and I do not even know any of their names. I am as thankful to them but they were never in the limelight. They had no other main income but still kept plugging. They signed a contract to be paid for their work, you knew that you were never going to be paid for your work. There is a big difference in that.

If there is no need for a president (self admission), then why do you constantly remind us of things you are doing? Contradiction

There is a split between fans. If you cannot see it, then you are not the 'fans representative' that the fans need. The split is caused by people who claim to be average fans but have a hand in the club. You may not mean to appear arrogant about your position but you are.

The above statement leads me to my next point. There has been a step back from Pasoti, not the internet. What the fans (who you represent) don't want to read every single day is drivel about #bestfansintheworld, big news coming up etc... which is a clear attempt at building a social media profile. You once followed me on twitter, waited for me to follow back then unfollowed. This is a known tactic to make yourself seem popular. I want to be able to respect somebody who represents me. I am not sure I can any more.

You have then proceeded to have a dig at fans who sit on here each day. They are fans regardless of how much than can annoy you, me, Bob down the road or his dog etc.... If David Cameron released a statement about British people then he would be advised to resign.

In summary, I do not know anybody who is not thankful for the work you put in whilst the club were in administration. What is needed is somebody who can accept an award, not create an award for himself.

In fact there are a few similar comments on the thread

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The reclusive one had to make an unscheduled appearance to defend his lofty position. It must have bruised his ego somewhat Very Happy
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Mr President Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr President   Mr President EmptySun Jun 16, 2013 5:05 pm

The fact that this individual, a jumped up postal workers union rep, is 'president'  just goes to show the utter contempt brent has for the club and us fans.  Apart from the usual brent loving, build-it-tiny pasoti clique I suspect the majority of the wider fans are embarrased that this person holds such a position at our club and would love to see him imediately replaced by Romain Larrieu.

WEBB OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LARRIEU IN NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Mr President Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr President   Mr President EmptySun Jun 16, 2013 5:21 pm

Just for clarification, in response to the comment from Ian Newell in the thread linked to by Jock above, in which he states

"Some of the Senior Greens were gobsmacked by the comments and attitude towards JB at the FoCP meeting, by AFT members, and they could not believe that people felt that much animosity."
I personally have no memory of any strong comment made by anyone from the AFT I knew who were at the meeting at The Cherry Tree (putting aside for the moment the fact that by simply being a member of the AFT doesn't mean you are actually representing them at any meeting) that was significantly critical of the club or anyone within it. There was criticism of the club but as the people concerned didn't have "AFT" stamped on their foreheads I am unsure how it could be told which organisation they did or didn't belong to. More spin, I fear, from a very angry man.
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Mr President Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr President   Mr President EmptySun Jun 16, 2013 5:48 pm

knecht wrote:
Just for clarification, in response to the comment from Ian Newell in the thread linked to by Jock above, in which he states

"Some of the Senior Greens were gobsmacked by the comments and attitude towards JB at the FoCP meeting, by AFT members, and they could not believe that people felt that much animosity."
I personally have no memory of any strong comment made by anyone from the AFT I knew who were at the meeting at The Cherry Tree (putting aside for the moment the fact that by simply being a member of the AFT doesn't mean you are actually representing them at any meeting) that was significantly critical of the club or anyone within it. There was criticism of the club but as the people concerned didn't have "AFT" stamped on their foreheads I am unsure how it could be told which organisation they did or didn't belong to. More spin, I fear, from a very angry man.

That man's gob will get him into trouble eventually.
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Mr President Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr President   Mr President EmptySun Jun 16, 2013 11:04 pm

Freathy, putting aside his worthiness for the title President for one moment, what exactly has his current employment got to do with his ability or worthiness to actually have the title President?    I would say that an ordinary working man, whatever that is, can be effective as a President and hold the title just as easily as any other person from a "higher" walk of life.    Criticise his performance but there is no need for the "jumped up postal worker" part which is irrelevant.

I have been critical of his performance as President previously and have seen nothing to change my mind on that.    Nothing personal against him as I don't know him personally.    I am basing this on his appointment as a declared representative of the supporters, ordinary supporters that is, and the fact that he continuously fails to represent them at all.    The President of anything should be inclusive for ALL of the supporters and not just a selective few.    He continues not to include everyone and has therefore failed in his stated objective declared at the appointment acceptance.   I won't get dragged into the self advancement stuff or his personal declarations of worth in the war because that is also irrelevant to the post.
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Mr President Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr President   Mr President EmptySun Jun 16, 2013 11:12 pm

he looks like him these days.
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Mr President Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr President   Mr President EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 8:12 am

SG - I think it does matter when said individual is so wrong for the role.  His daytime role clearly hasn't equipped him with the necessary attributes that makes a more rounded person which is essential for a Presidents role.  On Pasoti we've all seen him argue with and even attack individual supporters on-line. He can't even see that being so divisive is damaging. Either that or he doesn't care.  Not sure which is worse. Get him out and get Larrieu in!  He brings aboslutely nothing to the role.  On the other hand Le Keeper is very well liked by all fans, he understands the game, he understands fans and would be a dignified ambassador for the club.
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Mr President Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr President   Mr President EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 9:59 am

I second the above comments!
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Mr President Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr President   Mr President EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 10:23 am

knecht wrote:
Just for clarification, in response to the comment from Ian Newell in the thread linked to by Jock above, in which he states

"Some of the Senior Greens were gobsmacked by the comments and attitude towards JB at the FoCP meeting, by AFT members, and they could not believe that people felt that much animosity."
I personally have no memory of any strong comment made by anyone from the AFT I knew who were at the meeting at The Cherry Tree (putting aside for the moment the fact that by simply being a member of the AFT doesn't mean you are actually representing them at any meeting) that was significantly critical of the club or anyone within it. There was criticism of the club but as the people concerned didn't have "AFT" stamped on their foreheads I am unsure how it could be told which organisation they did or didn't belong to. More spin, I fear, from a very angry man.

It's been pointed out to me that there may have been discussions out of the meeting that were critical of the current custodian. But I'd suggest that, for example, if saying "I really don't like James Brent and what he is doing to the club " (and I don't literally mean that phrase) is taken as an example of 'animosity' then the problem is with the receiver not the speaker.

During the meeting, with one exception, the boorish behaviour came from Ian Newell and some of the Senior Greens.

But enough of these petty skirmishes. The real task is to achieve an improvement on the proposals. I am not against all of the development just some aspects of it. It may be that James Brent has the best of intentions. I believe he can only demonstrate that by what he does & not by what he says. He needs to show some flexibility.
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Mr President Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr President   Mr President EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 11:00 am

The thing is though Knect people will judge people by their actions, since JB has rocked up at HP he arrived with all the plans for the overdevelopment at HP in his briefcase, even though he told us he wasn't in it for the property and was there just to save the football club. After a short while it was said that he would build us a stand to be proud of with retail units and non match day facilities that would benefit the club. Turns out not to be true. In return we would have an Akkeron Hotel on the car park (did I mention the car park was pot holed?) since then he has actively aided and abetted the superfans, sidelined the Trust and damaged it at every opportunity, created the toothless pasb, nearly led us to two relegations, admittedly the first one was not his fault entirely but last seasons was. He has repeatedly shut tighter than a clam on the subjects of club debt, the staff wages still owed and his loaning the club money even though he promised fan involvement and transparency, then we get the huge over development at HHP spin and bullshit drip fed to us by the superfan machine Brent created so that he can concentrate on completing the biggest local asset strip in the history of the south west.
Animosity? He hasn't seen feck all yet.
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Mr President Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr President   Mr President EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 11:06 am

And just to add to my point, why shouldn't Trust members and even leaders of the Trust question and even criticise Brent? He is our new dawn accountable transparent leader of the New World Order (or was that the last lot that Newell was rimming I forget) he has morals, integrity and virtue oozing from every pore on his body, why is he so frightened of people asking questions of him, why does he need his human shield?
The answer, because he is a ruthless property developer who divides and rules as a means of getting what he wants, I have never trusted him and I feel vindicated for having taken that stance.
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Sir Francis Drake

Sir Francis Drake

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Mr President Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr President   Mr President EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 11:15 am

Iggy wrote:
The thing is though Knect people will judge people by their actions, since JB has rocked up at HP he arrived with all the plans for the overdevelopment at HP in his briefcase, even though he told us he wasn't in it for the property and was there just to save the football club. After a short while it was said that he would build us a stand to be proud of with retail units and non match day facilities that would benefit the club. Turns out not to be true. In return we would have an Akkeron Hotel on the car park (did I mention the car park was pot holed?) since then he has actively aided and abetted the superfans, sidelined the Trust and damaged it at every opportunity, created the toothless pasb, nearly led us to two relegations, admittedly the first one was not his fault entirely but last seasons was. He has repeatedly shut tighter than a clam on the subjects of club debt, the staff wages still owed and his loaning the club money even though he promised fan involvement and transparency, then we get the huge over development at HHP spin and bullshit drip fed to us by the superfan machine Brent created so that he can concentrate on completing the biggest local asset strip in the history of the south west.
Animosity? He hasn't seen feck all yet.

Just one minor point. I strongly suspect that the staff's backpay has been settled. Because of the vast sums raised by Nikkkkkkkk and the auctions I can't believe that there is anything still owing in that regard. There will still be money owed to the players and to the GTs for the loans they made that have paid the staff back so the debt hasn't disappeared. Whatever the money still being raised is being used for it won't be for paying back the staff any more unless something is seriously, seriously wrong.
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Mr President Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr President   Mr President EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 11:19 am

Iggy wrote:
The thing is though Knect people will judge people by their actions, since JB has rocked up at HP he arrived with all the plans for the overdevelopment at HP in his briefcase, even though he told us he wasn't in it for the property and was there just to save the football club. After a short while it was said that he would build us a stand to be proud of with retail units and non match day facilities that would benefit the club. Turns out not to be true. In return we would have an Akkeron Hotel on the car park (did I mention the car park was pot holed?) since then he has actively aided and abetted the superfans, sidelined the Trust and damaged it at every opportunity, created the toothless pasb, nearly led us to two relegations, admittedly the first one was not his fault entirely but last seasons was. He has repeatedly shut tighter than a clam on the subjects of club debt, the staff wages still owed and his loaning the club money even though he promised fan involvement and transparency, then we get the huge over development at HHP spin and bullshit drip fed to us by the superfan machine Brent created so that he can concentrate on completing the biggest local asset strip in the history of the south west.
Animosity? He hasn't seen feck all yet.

I agree. As I said, "It may be that James Brent has the best of intentions. I believe he can only demonstrate that by what he does & not by what he says. He needs to show some flexibility".
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Sir Francis Drake

Sir Francis Drake

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Mr President Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr President   Mr President EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 11:23 am

Brent doesn't do flexibility, does he? He does Action! Now! Non-negotiable! My Way Or The Highway!

All you need to look at is the "consultation" process which hasn't actually been a consultation in any meaningful sense at all but a steady flow of There Is No Alternative To My Plans. He's like a Vogon in HHG2G. "RESISTANCE IS USELESS!" etc

On no account ever let him read poetry to you.

Last edited by Sir Francis Drake on Mon Jun 17, 2013 11:24 am; edited 1 time in total
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Mr President Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr President   Mr President EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 11:23 am

If they have discharged the debt (thereby making Brent "unfit for purpose" in Newells eyes lol) why don't they announce this? This would be a great piece of good news a rare thing in these parts.
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Mr President Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr President   Mr President EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 11:27 am

Sir Francis Drake wrote:
Brent doesn't do flexibility, does he? He does Action! Now! Non-negotiable! My Way Or The Highway!

All you need to look at is the "consultation" process which hasn't actually been a consultation in any meaningful sense at all but a steady flow of There Is No Alternative To My Plans. He's like a Vogon in HHG2G. "RESISTANCE IS USELESS!" etc

On no account ever let him read poetry to you.

I thought that was what our Friday Poetry thread was all about. Perhaps he hasn't been reading it! Smile
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Mr President Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr President   Mr President EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 12:52 pm

I'd be surprised if the staff debt was anywhere near settled. Remember this includes the likes of Peter Reid who went unpaid for well over a year, Simon Walton, Romain Larrieu, Oni Bhasera, Carl Fletcher etc all on big money that they'll be owed. The non-playing staff debt, perhaps (I doubt it) but certainly not the whole. Remember a lot of the auctions were for other causes than staff debt.
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Mr President Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr President   Mr President EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 1:11 pm

GreenSam wrote:
I'd be surprised if the staff debt was anywhere near settled. Remember this includes the likes of Peter Reid who went unpaid for well over a year, Simon Walton, Romain Larrieu, Oni Bhasera, Carl Fletcher etc all on big money that they'll be owed. The non-playing staff debt, perhaps (I doubt it) but certainly not the whole. Remember a lot of the auctions were for other causes than staff debt.

Yeah, like a big flag for forza nerda Laughing

Yes I was joking before you "sue" me again.
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Mr President Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr President   Mr President EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 1:31 pm

My point Freathy was that his paid day job has nothing to do with an honorary role in a football club.   By mentioning what he does for a living is saying that no postal worker would be able to bring anything to the job which is ludicrous.     It is his own personal personality that is lacking in an ability to bring supporters together and represent them all not what he does for a living.    No problem with agreeing with the personal assessment of him in the role but his occupation has nothing to do with anything.

I gave my opinion of his ability to do the job previously and it is similar to your own.    I too would bring in Le Keeper and think he would be far more suitable as a person than the one we have.      What you need though is somebody detatched from the Board to some extent who can take on board sensible moans and groans from supporters and make them to the Board to represent supporters without personal prejudice.    To be able to relate to all supporters and include them all with info etc.    That is pasoti users, ATD users and any other website fans forums along with those that use none of them.    It is the later issues I have with his ability to do the job because he has put himself in one single camp and can't now get out of it.
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Mr President Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr President   Mr President EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 1:42 pm

Why do you even need a President
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Mr President Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr President   Mr President EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 1:59 pm

The name President is given to a role so it matters not what you call it.    It is the route between supporters and Management that is needed as a role and should be useful to both sides.    It is a source of information transfer.    A supporters concern is put to the board on their behalf and whatever transpires from the question is relayed back.   It matters not how difficult the question is but the honesty of the answer or lack of it does.    Mind you, this should be happening with the PASB anyway but seemingly isn't so with that set up it shouldn't actually be necessary now to have a single go between and I conceed that the title does imply an employee of the club itself even if unpaid.
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Mr President Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr President   Mr President EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 2:22 pm

I hear what your saying, still seems like a '' job for the boys''
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Mr President Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr President   Mr President EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 2:34 pm

The ideal for the preisdent would to be the chair of pasb (if one agrees with pasb that is).  As it is the role muddies the water twit the already muddied pasb/trust continuum.  And in the age of Argyle transparency (cough) what is filling the presidents time with the many many many hours he puts in at the club.  If he's taking the supporters aches pains and moans to the club the question is why those aches pains and moans continue once a problem is highlighted.  It's as if someone(s) as the club aren't doing their job(s) properly.  For goodness sake we are a 4th teir football club with a small membership and an even smaller interest outside of that membership what can there be to do.
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Mr President Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr President   Mr President EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 2:35 pm

Dane. wrote:
I hear what your saying, still seems like a '' job for the boys''

Brent knew that Webb was a challenge to his property plans and he knew that he had to keep him onside in order to make the way easier.

So give Webby a silly title and he's dumb enough to take it and he's won him over.

Job done.
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Mr President Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr President   Mr President EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 2:41 pm

Yea Man wrote:
Dane. wrote:
I hear what your saying, still seems like a '' job for the boys''

Brent knew that Webb was a challenge to his property plans and he knew that he had to keep him onside in order to make the way easier.

So give Webby a silly title and he's dumb enough to take it and he's won him over.

Job done.

same for noool. We all know if he wasnt kept in the lap of perks he would be up in arms over this piss take of a stand plans as would webb.
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Mr President Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr President   Mr President Empty

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